Cat on couch

living with a pet

Responsible ownership means being well-informed on a variety of topics, prepared for all kinds of situations and knowledgeable about different needs of the animal


Did you take the decision to bring a companion animal into your home? First of all, congratulations! There are various positive effects of keeping a pet on one’s overall mental and physical wellbeing. Among the benefits of interaction, companion animals can offer comfort and emotional support, help decrease blood pressure, stress, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, and increase opportunities for outdoors living, exercise, and socialisation. Research has shown that kids growing up with pets develop increased cognitive stimulation, empathy and immunity, better habits, and resilience to stress. Pets contribute to a healthier lifestyle and reciprocally require the keeping up of a routine that includes exercise, time, attention, training, and care.

Responsible ownership means to be well-informed on a range of topics, to be prepared for all kinds of situations and to be informed about different needs of the animal. FOUR PAWS offers a variety of guides on their website, from pets in hot weather, to removing your cat’s hair or preparing for the possibility of a disaster amongst many more. Feel free to visit the website and scroll through the different articles or use our contact form if you have any questions!

The following articles collect information of the most common topics for dogs and cats.


Tackling rising costs for pet owners

Cat resting

Please consult this article to receive advice on how to cut costs but still ensure to properly care for your pets during these difficult times.

For dog owners

Living with a dog


Living with a dog

For dogs and humans to cohabit harmoniously, it is important that social contact between them takes the appropriate form. Within the family, a dog also needs clear rules to which it can adhere.


Feeding your dog


Feeding your dog

There are a number of potential diets for dogs, but it can be hard to determine which one is best for your four-legged friend.


Taking your dog to the vet


Taking your dog to the vet

Taking your dog to the vet needn’t be stressful. With a little bit of time and preparation, you can make it a positive experience for both you and your pet.


First aid for dogs


First aid for dogs

FOUR PAWS Guide for Dog Owners: What belongs in the pharmacy bag for the dog.


Enrichment for dogs


Enrichment for dogs

Dogs are social, intelligent and active animals. So, it’s important to provide them with safe and suitable opportunities to exercise their bodies and minds, during every stage of life.


Travelling with a dog


Travelling with a dog

How to plan and prepare for a trip with your furry friend.


Travelling with a dog by car


Travelling with a dog by car

Guide for Dog Owners: How to drive your dog relaxed in the car.


Moving house with a dog


Moving house with a dog

Moving house can be stressful for everyone involved, including your dog. Although you’ll be very busy with little time, please bear in mind the following to help make it easier and safer for him. 


Going on holidays with your dog


Going on holidays with your dog

There are a few things to consider if you want to bring your dog on vacation. 


Leaving your dog while on holiday


Leaving your dog while on holiday

Leaving your dog in someone else’s care while you travel can be a tough but sometimes unavoidable decision. Some careful planning and training in advance can help them to stay safe and relaxed.


Preparing your dog for the arrival of a baby


Preparing your dog for the arrival of a baby
It’s important to ensure your dog always feels part of your family, and to prepare them for the change in their routine, plus all the unusual sights, sounds and smells that the new arrival will bring. 


If your dog goes missing


If your dog goes missing

It’s every dog owners worst nightmare. Your beloved dog has vanished, apparently without trace. In this situation, it’s vital to keep a cool head and take prompt action to find your missing dog.


For Cat owners

Living with a cat


Living with a cat

For cats and humans to cohabit harmoniously, it is important that social contact between them takes the appropriate form. Consult this guide for cat owners to find out more.


Feeding your cat


Feeding your cat

As a basic principle, the food given to a cat must be appropriate to its needs (age, energy expenditure, pregnancy, etc.), thereby laying the foundation for a long, healthy life.


Taking your cat to the vet


Taking your cat to the vet

For many cats, a veterinary visit is a stressful experience. However, there is much we can do to reduce this stress.


First aid for cats


First aid for cats
Make sure you’re always prepared for an emergency. The best action for all emergency situations is to contact the vet, so find out the name of your local practice and keep your vet's phone number to hand.


A cat-friendly home


A cat-friendly home

A guide for cat owners: How to design your home in a lovely way for your furry friend.


Travelling with a cat


Travelling with a cat

As a cat friendly caregiver, you want to ensure your cat is safe when traveling with you. You also want to relieve his fear and prevent stress, if possible. 


Moving house with a cat


Moving house with a cat

When taking your cat home for the first time or moving and taking your cat to a brand-new home, the first few days in a new house can be a difficult time for any cat.


Cat-proofing your balcony


Cat-proofing your balcony

If you home has a balcony, cat can enjoy the life outside in a safe surrounding. For the balcony not to become a hazard there are a few things that need to be considered.  


Leaving your cat while on holiday


Leaving your cat while on holiday

As a cat owner, when planning your holiday, it is very important that you also consider the vacation arrangements for your feline friend.   


Preparing your cat for the arrival of a baby


Preparing your cat for the arrival of a baby
Once you know that a baby is on the way, you prepare yourself and your family for the changes ahead. The cat also needs to be prepared as there will be changes in the home environment and routine. 


If your cat goes missing


If your cat goes missing

It’s every cat owners worst nightmare. Your beloved cat has vanished, apparently without trace. In this situation, it’s vital to keep a cool head and take prompt action to find your missing cat.


Saying goodbye to your pet

close up of a dog

As sad as it is, there will come a time when you have to say goodbye to your animal. Losing a pet is a very sad, sometimes traumatic experience. Every owner grieves differently and it is important that you take the time to cope with your loss. Sometimes, you will need to make the decision to let your pet go. Ensuring your pet’s best possible quality of life, thus overall physical and mental well-being should determine this decision. If your pet no longer has a good quality of life and is suffering, and any veterinary treatment will only prolong your pet’s life without improving their quality of life, the responsible decision is to let if go to avoid future suffering.
